The doctors
A team of carefully selected specialists, within a wide range of specialties and an average of 15+ years of experience. Stay tuned! We will be gradually expanding the list of specialties.
Choose your specialty
Dr Antonina Ninova
Dermatology, Venereology, 43 years of experience
Dr. Ninova graduated from Sofia Medical University in 1978 and got her specialty degree in Dermatology and Venereology in 1984. She is a member of the European Academy of Dermatology and Venerology (EADV), and the Bulgarian Dermatological Society. Dr. Ninova speaks English and Russian.
I especially like Healee because of the anonymity and confidentiality it allows. Both are very important for my patients.
Dr Joanna Matrozova
Endocrinology, 20 years of experience
Dr Joanna Matrozova is an endocrinologist at the Clinic of Pituitary, Adrenal and Gonadal Diseases, University Hospital of Endocrinology, Sofia, and assistant professor at the Medical University-Sofia. She completed her training at the Europeen Hospital Georges Pompidou in Paris, France. Her main interests and publications are focused not only on thyroid pathology and diabetes, but also on more complicated pituitary and adrenal diseases. Dr Matrozova was awarded a doctoral degree in the field of adrenal hypertension.
Healee enables much more efficient and reliable patient communication. This is indispensable for providing better care to people with chronic conditions like diabetes
Dr Maya Milanova
Dermatology, Venereology, 30 years of experience
Dr. Milanova earned her MD in 1988 from the Trakia University in Stara Zagora. She has been practicing Dermatology and Venereology since 1998. She is a member of the European Academy of Dermatology and Venerеology (EADV), and the Bulgarian Dermatological Society. Dr. Milanova speaks English.
80% of all dermatological cases can be solved remotely. In most cases, a Healee visit is as efficient as a face-to-face visit.
Dr Radostina Staneva
Dermatology, Venereology, 19 years of experience
Dr. Staneva graduated from from the Trakia University in Stara Zagora in 1989 and earned her specialty degree in Dermatology and Venereology in 1998. She is a member of the European Academy of Dermatology and Venerеology (EADV), and the Bulgarian Dermatological Society.
Some patients have to wait for weeks to see a dermatologist. With Healee, peace of mind is just hours away!
Dr Angel Bogdanov Nalbanski, MD, PhD
Obstetrics and gynecology, 25 years of experience
Dr. Angel Nalbanski, based in Sofia, is a specialist in obstetrics and gynecology with an experience of over 20 years. He performs gynecological examinations, ultrasound diagnostics, colposcopy (cervical examination for pathological changes), annual cervical cancer screening (colposcopy and pap smear), microbiological examination of vaginal discharge, endoscopic surgery, classical surgery (resection of pathologically changed ovaries, uterine tubes, uterus), oncological consultation and surgical treatment, urogynecological consultations. Dr. Nalbanski graduated from Medical University - Sofia in 1997 and acquired his specialty degree in Obstetrics and gynecology in 2003. In 2006, he earned a PhD degree. His main interests lie within the fields of endometriosis, endoscopic surgery, oncogynecology, urogynecology. Additional qualifications: - GESEA Certification Level 1 and 2 (endoscopic surgery, laparoscopy, hysteroscopy) - Endoscopic surgery certification from Kinki Hospital (Japan) - Endoscopic surgery certification “Maichin dom” University Specialized Obstetrics and Gynecology Hospital - Certification in colposcopy and destructive methods in the treatment of cervical diseases - Member of Bulgarian Medical Association, WALS, European Society for Gynaecological Endoscopy (ESGE), Global Community of Hysteroscopy (GCH). Since January 2024 Dr. Nalbanski is Chief of the Endoscopic gynaecology Department at “St. Anna” - Sofia University Hospital, where he performs all kinds of gynecological examinations and procedures.
Ass. Prof. Georgi Yordanov
Ophthalmology, 16 years of experience
Доц. д-р Йорданов, д.м. завършва медицина през 2004 г в Медицински Университет – София и през 2008 придобива специалност по офталмология в Тракийски университет в гр. Стара Загора. През 2016, 2017 и 2018 работи и като консултант очен хирург в St Helens Teaching Hospital в Ливърпул, Англия, а през 2019 и 2020 в University Hospital of Ayr, Шотландия . От 2015 г. и към момента работи в Клиника по Очни болести, ВМА, София.
Dr Gergana Svetoslavova
Ophthalmology, Детска офталмология, 12 years of experience
Д-р Гергана Светославова е специалист офталмолог в София с над 12 години медицински опит и основни интереси в областите детски болести и контактология. Извършва консултативни прегледи, диагностика и лечение на очни болести, основно преглежда деца. Образование Завършва Медицински университет София през 2013 г. Има придобита специалност Очни болести след специализация в Аджибадем Сити Клиник Болница Токуда София под ръководството на д-р Лиляна Димитрова. От 2021 г. работи в Детски очен кабинет към Аджибадем СитиКлиник Токуда. Провежда тясна специализация по Детска офталмология и Страбология в Ротердам, Нидерландия по програма на Международния съвет по детска офталмология и страбология. Квалификации - 2012 г. и 2013 г. - Участие в организацията и изпълнението на Balkan Ophthalmic Wetlab, София; - Юни 2014 г. - Окулопластичен курс, 4-ти Balkan Ophthalmic Wetlab, София; - 2016 г. - Практика в офталмопедиатрично отделение, Manchester Royal Eye Hospital; - Участие в XXXII конгрес на ESCRS, WSPOS, Лондон, Великобритания; - Април 2017 г. - Курс по контактология към Българско офталмологично дружество; - 2018 г. - Участие в Световен конгрес по Офталмология, Испания; - 2021 г. Участие с два постера в Световния конгрес на WSPOS; - 2022 - Лектор на 4ти национален конгрес по неонатология. Биография От 2008 г. до 2009 г. д-р Светославова е медицински асистент в Очно отделение към Аджибадем Сити Клиник Болница Токуда София. От 2012 г. до 2014 г. е стажант по офталмология в Ресбиомед-Визум Очна клиника. Практикувала е като детски офталмолог в Детски център, Аджибадем Ситиклиник Токуда и в Първа Детска консултативна клиника. От 2023 е част и от екипа специалисти на МЦ Лозенец.
Dr Daniela Stoyanova
Gastroenterology, 22 years of experience
Daniela Stoyanova, MD is a consultant in Internal medicine and Gastroenterology. She graduated with honours from the Medical University of Sofia in 2002. She has attended postgraduate qualification courses in the Netherlands, UK and Germany, mainly focused on IBD and endoscopy. She is a clinical lead for inflammatory bowel diseases in the department of gastroenterology of Military Medical Academy in Sofia. Her professional interests include inflammatory and oncological diseases of the digestive system, functional GI disorders and their treatment; nutrition in IBD. Daniela Stoyanova is not a pediatric consultant. Daniela Stoyanova, MD is currently a consultant gastroenterologist in the Department of gastroenterology at the Military Medical academy - Sofia where she has been working as a physician since 2003. In 2016 she joined the team of consultants in Gina Medical Centre, Sofia. More information:
Dr Ivan Lyutakov
Gastroenterology, 6 years of experience
Dr. Lyutakov is a gastroenterologist at the University Hospital Tsaritsa Yoanna – ISUL, in Sofia. He graduated from Plovdiv Medical University in 2012 and got his specialty degree in gastroenterology in 2018. Dr. Lyutakov speaks English and has two fellowships in Italy and Austria, focused on Gastroenterology and Endoscopy. He is also a PhD student working on patients with chronic diarrhoea and microscopic colitis. Dr. Lyutakov is certificated for Endoscopy first level and Abdominal Ultrasound first level. He is a member of the Europen Society of Gastrointestinal Endoscopy and the EMCG group.
Dr Kamen Klinkanov
Rheumatology, 20 years of experience
Graduated from Medical University, Plovdiv, Bulgaria. Specialist in Internal medicine and rheumatology. Chief assistant professor in Medical University, Plovdiv, Chair of Internal diseases. Teaching internal medicine to foreign students in English. 1997 - certificate for a teacher in Family medicine, Manchester, UK. At present rheumatologist in UMHAT PULMED, Plovdiv, Bulgaria
Dr Sava Petrov
Endocrinology, 11 years of experience
Д-р Сава Петров, д.м. е ендокринолог към Клиника по Ендокринология и болести на обмяната на УМБАЛ „Свети Георги“ ЕАД, Пловдив и М.Ц. „КИРМ“. Асистент по Ендокринология към Медицински Университет – Пловдив. Завършва гимназия през 2005 г. с отличен успех с профил „Английски език, история и български език“. През 2011г. завършва МУ-Пловдив с отличен успех. Работи, като лекар-ординатор към Спешно Вътрешно Отделение на МБАЛ „Пловдив“ за периода 10.2011г.-03.2012г. От тогава до сега лекар към Клиника по Ендокринология и болести на обмяната на УМБАЛ „Свети Георги“ – Пловдив. В началото на 2016 г става част от екипа на М.Ц. „КИРМ“, където се развива в насока репродуктивна ендокринология и андрология. Научни интереси – ендокринология, репродуктувна медицина, андрология, зависимости, диететика и хранене. Членство в научни дружества: Българско дружество по Ендокринология, Европейско дружество по Ендокринология, Европейска Академия по Андрология, Съюз на учените в България.
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