Personalized demo

White label telehealth

How it works

Healee’s fully tested white label telehealth technology offers you an advanced, yet easy way to get started with digital health while building your brand and adapting your tool for better user engagement

Personalized demo
Healee-based white label telehealth platform

White label onboarding

Getting started quickly with white label telehealth

A Healee-based white label telehealth platform can be launched in a matter of weeks, under the mature guidance of Healee's expert team. We partner with you throughout the entire process, as you explore the solution in your environment, collect requirements, and test with your extended internal team

The best-recommended approach for getting started quick and nimble is planning your MVP (minimum viable product) for going live, and implementing enhancements as you go.

A typical deep white label onboarding process includes...

Providing key inputs for your personalized solution
Discovery of your unique processes
Launching your version of the platform with the selected core features and workflows

Deep branding

Ensure user trust and loyalty

A unified brand experience and a well-tested feature set are key to positioning your company as a legitimate player in the digital health space.

With Healee deep white label, your platform looks built in-house - without development and maintenance!

  • Your entire branding scheme applied - not just the logo
  • Hosting your replica on custom URLs as part of your own infrastructure
  • Fully branded mobile apps on the Android and iOS marketplaces

Custom workflows

Enable organization-wide adoption

The #1 factor for successful telehealth solution adoption is the proper fit with organizational workflows.

Healee is the only digital health technology on the market that lets you enable unique patient journeys for any part of the care process.

You define:

  • How you accept patients
  • How you coordinate care
  • How you treat specific medical conditions

Feature configurations

Fine-tune to your unique use case

Digital health is ever-evolving, with business requirements and legislation constantly changing. Each specialty or business model has distinct needs that may be unique or don't stay constant.

With a deep white label, the flexibility to enable, re-arrange and fine-tune from a comprehensive core feature set, can accommodate your niche use case as it evolves.

Maximum freedom

White label telehealth options

Healee's deep white label telehealth configurability options give you maximum freedom to turn Healee core into your own unique solution

Configurability options
Adopt core platform
Brand and personalize
Enable/disable features
Enable patient journeys
Configure settings
Integrate into your process
Healee and the team feel like a safe pair of hands who are friendly, open, diligent and experts in their domains - this is why Healee is a fantastic company to work with!
Clarity, expertise, reliability and quick turnaround throughout all steps of the process
Paddy Rehill, CTO at Perci Health