Vasilena Hristova

Psychologie, Psychotherapie

Soul Academy Health Space

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Vasilena Hristova is a Psychologist and Psychotherapist, working in Sofia, Bulgaria with more than 12 years of experience and practicing in the last 6 years. Qualifications: - Therapist in CBT; - Personal sessions with CBT; - Psychobiology courses; - Meditations and Individual trainings. She is developing an individual practice as well as group therapy in the main field of CBT with combination of holistic approaches. She is working on 3 levels: Physical, Emotional and Spiritual. She is a founder of some program for self-development and daily habit’s` practices. Vasilena can help you with: emotional disbalance, panic attacks, stress, low self-esteem, anxiety, problems in communication, sleep issues, finding a worth of living, accepting news for medical decisions and prognoses. Vasilena is having a Master degree in Psychology from St Cyril and St Methodius University of Veliko Turnovo, but she is also having a Master degree in Trade Management as well as Bachelor degree in International Economic Relations, achieved in Tsenov Academy of Economics. Vasilena is a founder of Soul Academy Health Space in 2019 year with the main idea to create a calm and safe environment for all of her clients. She is very interested and specializing in the connection between body-illnesses, healthy habits, food, mindset and connection with our inner world.