Prof. Yana Simova


Heart and Brain Centre of Excellence, University Hospital, Pleven

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Work Experience: 04/2016 - Associate Professor and Head of the Department of Cardiology, Acibadem City Clinic Cardiovascular Center, Sofia 04/2015 – 03/2016 - Associate Professor, National Cardiac Hospital - Specialized Hospital for Cardiovascular Disease, Non-Invasive Functional and Imaging Diagnostics Department 01/2015 – 01/2016 - Chief of Education Department at ‘Doverie’ Hospital; consultant cardiologist at ‘Doverie’ Medical Complex 03/2011 – 04/2015 - Chief Assistant at the Department of Non-Invasive Functional and Imaging Diagnostics, National Cardiology Hospital - Specialized Hospital for Cardiovascular Disease Education: 30/03/2009 - Doctor of Medicine; Department of Cardiology, Alexandrovska University Hospital, Dissertation topic: "Possibilities of non-invasive vascular imaging methods for assessing the degree of coronary atherosclerosis"; 2008-2012 - Specialty in Cardiology 1996-2002 - Medical University, Sofia 1995-1996 - Business Administration at Sofia University "St. Kliment Ohridski " Awards: 02-05/10/2014 - Best Poster Award at the XIVth National Congress of Cardiology, Bulgaria, Varna, Golden Sands 04-07/10/2012 - Best Poster Award at the XIth National Congress of Cardiology, international participation, Sofia; Award Certificate of the Union of Bulgarian Scientists in for Best Achievement, "Scientific Achievement Competition 2010" 07-10/10/2010 - "Best Poster in Diagnostic Category" Award within the XIth National Congress of Cardiology with international participation, Albena; Award Certificate for best achievement in the postgraduate study, 2008 Award Certificate for the most successful scientific research in the competitions "Young researcher 2006" and "Young researcher 2007" in the field of Medicine, Medical-Clinical subcategory Second place, Physionet / Computers in Cardiology Challenge "QT interval measurement" 2006 in: Section 1: Manual and Semi-Automatic Methods Section 3: Fully automatic methods Golden Hippocrates Award for excellent graduation at Sofia Medical University Gold medal for excellent graduation from Sofia High School of Mathematics Publications: 168 publications: 44 in international journals and 124 in Bulgarian journals 63 presentations or posters in international congresses 40 presentations or posters at Bulgarian congresses with international participation Contribution to 2 monographs Quotations: 241 well-known Participation in editorial team of journals: Editor-in-chief of Cardio D. Editor of journal ‘МД’ Editor of the European Cardiology Review Editor of EU Cardiology Journal Guest editor - Journal of Diabetes Research Scientific projects: Participation in 14 scientific projects (8 with international participation) Awarded competition projects: Competition "Promotion of research in priority areas", MES Fund "NI". Topic: "Determination of the energy of a series of electrical impulses, ensuring successful defibrillation at minimum patient load, No. DO-02-170, 2009-2011 Contest "Encouragement of research in priority areas", Scientific Research Fund to the Ministry of Education and Science (Bulgaria). Topic: "Determination of the energy of a series of electrical impulses providing successful defibrillation at minimum patient load, Contract Number „ДО-02-170“, 2009-2011 Reviews: reviewer of 24 journals; Foreign Languages: English - Excellent, Certificate in Advanced English, University of Cambridge German - excellent, Göthe Institut, Sofia, Zentralle Oberstuffe Prüfung Italian – Intermediate Level