New user Guide

Това кратко упътване покрива основните секции на Healee MD, като описва стъпките, които да следваш, за да ползваш функциите на приложението.

Ако имаш допълнителни въпроси, или се нуждаеш от помощ, винаги можеш да се свържеш с нас на


  1. Go to
  2. On the top right corner, select "Login for Doctors" and enter credentials to access your account.
Your credentials are an e-mail and a password, which you have received from your provider organization.

Fill in / Change your profile data

  1. Once you are logged in, select "Doctor Profile" from the drop-down menu under your name on the top right corner;
  2. Apply and save changes.
If the titles you find don't correspond to you, you can leave the section "Title" blank by selecting "Choose". If you don't find your specialties in the list, please contact your provider organization.

Create your calendars

  1. Select "Practices" from the drop-down menu;

    For each calendar, you can add to the default settings "Аccepted reasons for visit". These are the services you provide and if you don't find yours, contact your provider organization. To add reasons, start typing or choose from the list.
  2. Select "New practice" and choose the type of the calendar - video consultations only, or visits and video, fill in contacts, leave the default settings, add "Accepted reasons for visit" (read "Set up services" section here) and click on "Create".

    If your account already has calendar/s, skip creating a "New practice" and go to set up your services.

Set up services

Set appointment length, prices, days - select "Practices", "Edit", "Settings", "Accepted reasons for visit", select your set of services from the search field, click on the cogwheel icon next to the service and put values;

Appointment length
Leave the default length of any appointment (15 mins). If you set the length for service to 30 mins, the system automatically will book two slots.

If you don't assign days to a service, patients will be able to book it on any working day from your calendar.

If you provide a service, but it has various appointment lengths, prices, days - click on the sheets of paper icon next to the selected service to create a copy. Put the values for each duplicate.

Add working hours

  1. To add working hours - select "Practices", select "Edit", "Working hours", and "Add working hours";
  2. Limit the time validity of your working hours (schedule) - in the field "validity" enter an ending date. If you leave the field blank, your working hours will perpetually remain the same;
  3. Set working hours - click on the "+" sign on all your working days and day by day select the duration of your shifts, mark the boxes for office or/and video.
  4. Save.
    Your schedule now is visible in the "Calendar" section.

Mark "Hidden"
In case you want the working hours to be visible only for you and your provider, and not for the patients.

You can have more than one shift for a working day - click on the "+" sign at the bottom of the selected day to add as many shifts as you need. Hint: You can leave unset slots between the shifts to have breaks.

If you leave a day unset, this day will not be automatically available for booking in your calendar and you can activate it manually in the calendar.

Mark "Office"
An "Office" consultation is a face-to-face consultation, at your office or at the patient's home (if you have a home visits calendar).

Edit days in the calendar

  1. To block (turn off) a day, go to "Calendar", click on the name of the day and select "Turn off this day";

    Turning off a day will automatically delete all active appointments; Hint: Before a planned leave, be sure you've turned off your days in advance.
  2. To create a schedule for a non-working day
    • Click on the name of the day, click "Edit" and set up your shift/s, save, or
    • Copy the schedule from another working day (click on the name of the day, click "Copy") and paste it to the non-working day (click on the name of the non-working day, select "Paste from...");
  3. To edit the shift/s for a working day, click on the name of the day, click "Edit", set, and save;

    If you need to edit a day or a few, do it from the "Calendar" section. If your schedule will change significantly, set up new working hours from "Practices".

Place additional information for your patients

To display additional information (text which will be visible for your patients), go to "Practices", select the practice for which the text relates, click "Edit", click "Settings", type your text in "Additional information" or in "Appointment guide".

Hint: You can request the precise addresses of the patients for home visits or ask them to prepare their medical documents prior to any type of consultation.