д-р Roberto Verdolini


The London Dermatology Centre

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Dr Roberto Verdolini MD, FRCP, is a member of the British Association of Dermatologists and is a fully accredited Consultant in Dermatology on the British Specialist Register of the General Medical Council. His specialist interests include diagnosis and treatment of skin cancer, acne, hyperhidrosis (excessive sweating), non surgical treatment of vitiligo, and autologous hair transplantation (the latter provided as part of a highly experienced team of dermatology surgeons). Dr Verdolini trained at Ancona University in Italy, qualifying in 1993 with Distinction. Early medical posts were in General Pathology, where he gained a deep insight into the biology of tumours and laboratory research. Training in Dermatology was completed in 1999 at Ancona University, qualifying with Distinction. A further period of training was subsequently undertaken at the Royal London Hospital, from 2000 to 2001. His first consultant appointment was with the Princess Alexandra Hospital Trust in Harlow, Essex in 2002. He was subsequently appointed as Consultant Dermatologist at Newham University Hospital, London in 2003 where he provided general dermatology clinics but also specialist services for Skin Cancer (including a very popular Surgical Dermatology Service based on the 'see and treat' principle). When the Dermatology Department in Newham merged with the Barts and the London Hospital NHS Trust's Dermatology unit, in 2007, he took on responsibility for dermatological surgery at both sites. In 2010 he returned to the Princess Alexandra Hospital Trust, where, with his colleagues, he is building an advanced dermatology unit. He has published numerous articles and written chapters in medical books. He also lectures extensively on the pathology of skin and surgical dermatology. His NHS appointment is with The Princess Alexandra Hospital Trust, Harlow, Essex and his private practice is at the Spire Roding Hospital, the Rivers Hospital (Sawbridgeworth) and The London Dermatology CentreTM.